
wish list

I have a giant wish list that seems to be growing by the second.

here is my list:

1.-new macbook pro!
2.-the new i-pad!
3.-a new SLR camera!
4.-the upgraded iphone
5.- this beautiful ring from zales!
6.-a membership to curves!
7.- an elliptical for at home!
8.- a tanning package!

thats all i can think of now but im sure ill be adding more soon!

why do my kids hate sleep?

sleep is such a great thing, im not sure why my kids think so little of it. joshua kept me up most of the night, and jack woke me up early. i even took jack to the play ground for no joke about 3 hours yesterday, we got there at 2:30 and did not get back home until 5:30. 6:30 was bath time and bed was right after that. jack did not fall asleep until probably 8. i ate some dinner and cleaned up, washed cuppies and bottles, steamed out bottle nipples and suckers, filled some bottles and went p to bed where jack was still awake and joshua was being a jerk. i finally fell asleep around 10:30-11 ish and joshua woke at around 12:30 for a bottle, then again at 2:30 and then didnt go back to sleep until around 4:30, but not before he sucked down another bottle, and then jack woke up again at 7 for some milk and to get up and begin the day. now i am downstairs with jack watching diego and joshua is catching up on sleep upstairs. lucky him.
i just dont understand why they wont go to sleep at bed time and not wake up again until morning. because they hate sleep and wish me to be a walking zombie.
love my damn kids.


home bound...

Derrick has been gone on the big island for training for 1 week today, we still have 1 more week to go before he comes home. he will only be home for about a week before he leaves again to cali for CAX. He will be there for 5 weeks and i am seriously wanting to go home for those 5 weeks. i dislike being here on my own and i think that this would be a good opportunity for the rest of my family and derricks family and our friends to get so meet joshua while he is still a baby and of course to get to see jack again.
living in hawaii is nice, the weather is great and it is beautiful here! there is a lot more to do here then there is at home and i am trying hard to enjoy the time i have left here but lately i have been craving the cold! i know its been snowing a lot back home and i want to be there. i miss snow days a little, which is something i never thought i would say! I want to be bundled up in warm clothes, sipping hot tea, watching the snow fall! i want to see jack playing outside in the snow with the dogs! I want to sit by the blazing fire, drink hot chocolate, and wrap up in a warm blanket and watch a good movie! i am craving home and i think 5 weeks would be the perfect amount of time to get this craving out of my system.
i am home bound..



Here I am, 9:41 pm. i am in my bed with jack on one side and joshua on the other. Derrick is gone for 2 weeks of training so its just the 3 of us for now. We miss him.
2010 is going to be a trying year for us. Right from the get go we are spending time away from each other. He left for the 2 weeks of training now, will be home beginning of february for about a week or so then to cali for 5 weeks of training, then back for about a month or so and then headed to afghanistan for 7 lonely months. I am leaving the island for deployment, there is no way i am staying here. so i will be home until december when derrick will be home from afghan, which means we will have successfully spent pretty much the entire year of 2010 away from each other. it makes me sad but i know that we will be fine, plus it will give me the whole year to get back in shape after having my kids and getting fat! He will fall in love with me all over again :p
the idea of being away from him for so long makes me so sad and the thought of the kids being away from him for so long is of course upsetting but our family is strong and i know we will be all the stronger when its over.
i am glad i am blogging now, gives me something to do and since i dont use myspace anymore i never get to blog and i miss it!